Should I Continue Sleeping a Married Woman
"Sleeping with married woman: Advice for single men!" is the topic we discuss today! If you are sleeping with a married woman then you need to read this information. Seriously, this information can be a great resource for you in your efforts to make it work when hooking-up married women!
7 Tips for Sleeping with a Married Woman: Advice for the Single Man!
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If you are reading this, chances are that you are sleeping with a married woman or at least planning to do so in the near future.
Whichever the case may be, getting yourself involved with a woman who is a wife to someone else has its own benefits and setbacks, depending majorly on what you are interested in.
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For example, if you are interested just in sex with zero or minimal emotional attachment, this romantic affair can be quite satisfactory.
If you married woman can be a fairly long shot.
After all, getting involved with a married woman is comparable to possessing a government vehicle.
You will always drive the car but never own it!
With that said, I would like to share some sleeping with married woman advice today to help you cushion yourself from the potential disappointments this sort of romantic affair presents.
I'm going to give seven tips for this, in particular.
Are you ready to roll? Fair enough, let's get right into the tips:
Sleeping with married woman: Advice for the man hooking-up with a married woman… a must read!!
1. Don't Get Over Emotionally Attached
The first rule of sleeping with a married woman is to know your place!
By that, I mean you have got to realize the fact that this is somebody else's wife, and she doesn't belong to you despite the fact that you shag her.
With that in mind, avoid perceiving her like your lady and establishing an emotional connection.
I know sleeping with someone can make you fall in love with them over time, especially if you are emotionally-and-love-starved,
…but unfortunately, this is an affair that can come to an abrupt termination anytime.
Therefore, you can't just build your emotions around it!
Don't worry, I will show you how to avoid falling in love with a married woman you bed.
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2. Know Each Other's STD Statuses
Knowing each other's statuses with respect to sexually transmitted diseases can literally save your lives!
Remember that the married woman obviously has another sexual partner who is her husband.
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With that in mind, there is no way of telling whether or not the other guy also has another or several other sexual partners besides his wife, making STDs a possible threat.
Yet some of these diseases such as HIV & AIDS and Pelvic inflammatory disease (PID) can be literally life-threatening.
That said, talk to the lady nicely, explaining to her the importance of knowing each other's sexually transmitted diseases status.
If she refuses to take tests for various STDs, brother this is someone you really shouldn't sleep with.
After all, why would she decline to take the tests if she has nothing to hide?
3. Avoid Having Unprotected Sex as Much as You Can
Unprotected sex is more pleasurable than protected sex sure, but unfortunately, it can be quite unsafe in this sort of a romantic affair.
Even if you know each other's STD status, you simply can't tell the other guy's.
As I said earlier, the lady's husband may also be sleeping with another or a few other women, putting the two of you at the risk of contracting sexually transmitted diseases.
With that in mind, the easiest way to protect yourself from these diseases is to abide by protected sex, which is safer than unprotected one.
Be sure to invest in medically-recommended latex condoms, which you can buy at your local chemist with your doctor's recommendations.
4. Reaching Out Could be a Bad Idea
Avoid reaching out to the woman, if you are away from each other. In other words, don't call or text her.
Let her perform those actions instead.
This one particular sleeping with married woman advice is extremely crucial if you want to avoid getting caught by the woman's husband, leading to big trouble.
Remember that some couples will have each other's phones when they are at home, sometimes.
And you never know who will answer the call you place or read the message you send.
Furthermore, avoid any sort of Web correspondence such as sending emails or messages on social media if she hasn't done that, simply for the same, damn reason above.
The beauty of married women who are sleeping with other men is the fact that they aren't that nagging.
Unlike regular girlfriends, many married women will not be mad at you for not reaching out first.
In fact, they will appreciate you for that because it prevents them from potentially landing into trouble by getting caught by their husbands.
It's a great thing to discuss with your woman when and how to reach out to when you miss each other.
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5. Her Home Should be Out of Bounds Just as Yours
Sleeping with a married woman comes with a risk of getting caught by the husband of the woman, which can result in serious consequences.
For example, if the guy catches you with his woman red-handed, he could hurt you or hire crooks to do it because of anger and the desire to revenge.
You may even get killed for the affair in the worst-case scenario.
Having said that, going to your lover's house or inviting her to your apartment for sex puts both of you at the risk of getting caught.
After all, you don't know who's watching you.
It could be the husband of the woman, his friends, or even a private investigator whom he hired to help track his wife.
The best place to spend some quality time together is a motel preferably in a different town where someone is less likely to look.
6. Feel Free to Find Your Main Chick who You Can Later Marry
As I said earlier, sleeping with a married woman is like driving another party's vehicle, which will never be yours.
I mean, no matter how badly you want this to go on forever, it's highly unlikely that it will.
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That's because chances are she will eventually get bored with the affair due to constant feelings of guilt or anything else and become faithful to her husband or the two of you will get caught in the long-run.
Rather than waiting for something that will never happen, get your main chick so that you don't become lonely when the affair comes to an end.
However, when you find your soulmate, but still not ready to terminate your sexual affair with the married woman, just be smart enough to not get caught by the former.
7. Keep it Discreet
As I said earlier, the first rule of sleeping with a married woman is to know your place such that you don't get carried away by the affair.
Remember that the woman has a husband who she belongs to and therefore she is not yours in any way.
With that in mind, you have no business going about telling people about your affair because that will only attract condemnation and resentment.
Similarly, don't post pictures suggesting what's going on between the two of you on social media due to the same damn reason above.
In fact, chattering about it will increase the chances of getting caught, leading to the end of that affair.
With that said, try to keep it as discreet as you can and only tell people that you trust about it if you feel that's it's very necessary to do so.
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Reasons Some Men Prefer Sleeping with Married Women vs. Single women!
#1. Many married women are not as emotionally demanding as their single counterparts.
That's because sex is what they are largely interested in as opposed to emotional attachment or anything else.
#2. Married women are generally more mature compared to their single counterparts.
That makes them less melodramatic compared to other women.
#3. I don't mean to be disrespectful or offensive when I say that married women in extramarital affairs are easier to get laid by compared to their single counterparts.
That's because of a number of reasons, including the fact that many of them are majorly interested in sex as opposed to love, emotional connection, or anything else.
So, as a guy, you don't have to put in much work in order to get laid by one.
The same cannot be said for single women who will typically demand emotional attachment, treats, endless sweet nothings in exchange for sex.
Final Thoughts…
Today we discussed: Sleeping with married woman: Advice for the single man!
Depending on how you look at it, sleeping with a married woman can be more rewarding when you know what to do and what not to do.
If you sleep with one or intend to do so, the tips above tell you what to do and what not to do.
Using those tips will ensure you have a rewarding affair.
article: Sleeping with Married Woman: Advice
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